Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thanks friends.

i know, i left my blog without saying anything..

certainly i am quite a "busy-man" positioning himself in working life after being so fakap being a student.

my life also had change, and now i am much more free-ier than before.. u know what i mean rite?

gaming activity also declined in past of few month as i dont feel like wanna play.

so what did i do?

im studying for the last time (maybe, who knows i might undertake master course straight away),

chatting(this is to overcome sickness of text messaging),

reading (i dont have to read her msg/surat/etc so i'd guess i'd reading something else much more beneficial),

listening to music (u dont need to know which genre im in, or else u'd be drooling around like @fzmy did)

many more lah, i dont have time to think :D (im busy working)

maybe i still have some passion in blogging or maybe not. who knows rite?

special thanks to @najea that buzzing me : "hey i found ur blog", straight away i remember my address after forgotten it.. hahah

anyway family and friends.

i'll try to update when im free, kapiche?